Everyone knows what “Behavior” means… right?
It’s all over this website, “behavior”.
I talk about to the point of semantic satiation (you know - when a word loses all meaning and seems like it’s just a random sound) but can’t stop myself - I keep saying it! To me, and many other scientists in my field, behavior is the most fascinating topic. It’s the building block of our world and who we are.
At its core, it is incredibly simple - behavior is a reaction. To our environment, to other people, to animals, sounds, smells, and even feelings. It is anything we can observe happening - biting a fingernail, tapping a foot, opening a door, even blinking - all are reactions to stimulus.
Not only are they reactions - these actions are done to achieve something, always. Whether that is an escape from a hangnail, to alleviate the feeling of anxiety, gain access to an environment, or moisten our eyes - all the examples given above are done in reaction to stimulus and to access reinforcement.
Over time these acts create contingencies -- we learn that if we do A, B will happen, so we will either engage in the “A” behavior or avoid it as much as possible depending on the outcome.
Behavior is simple but the contingencies we create become increasingly complex as we build on the patterns and routines in our lives. Eventually, we engage in hundreds of actions every day without thinking or reflecting on them. This is when behavior change becomes so challenging and the help of a professional can be beneficial! A behavior coach can help you detangle the actions you engage in everyday and determine healthier or more positive alternatives in the areas you’re looking to change.
If you have any questions, never hesitate to reach out!